Rale Transformer Design System
If you would like to look at a short software demonstration you can either down-load the file direct to your PC or you can request that we send you the demo on a CD. Just email us at info@bwdarrah.com and we will mail the CD to you anywhere in North America.
If you prefer to download the demo directly, you can save RaleDemo.zip to your local drive. Unzip the file and run the program The_RALE_System_Demo.exe . If you need more detailed instructions, please look at the bottom of this page for a step-by-step option.
The demonstration is limited to showing how a simple design is created using the Small Transformer Program (TKS) and demonstrates some of the features of the software.
Step-by-step instructions for downloading and running the demonstation
Click on RaleDemo.zip to download the file. It is possible your browser or firewall will ask you if you are sure you want to do this. Usually, your browser will save the file to your "Downloads" folder on a Windows computer or it will popup and ask you where you want to save the file.
The file is around 50MB, so it will take several minutes to download even if you have a fast connection. If you are using a very slow internet connection, we suggest contacting us to send you a CD rather than attempting to download.
When the file is finished downloading, you may see it at the bottom of your browser window (again this varies by which browser you use). If it is there, click the small down arrow next to it and select "Show in Folder" and a File Explorer window will open showing the folder where you saved the RaleDemo.zip file. If you do not have an obvious way to get to the downloaded file from your browser (different browsers can handle this in their own ways) use File Explorer to view the folder where you saved the file.
The file is a ZIP (compressed) file that includes all the files needed
to run the demo on a computer. The ZIP file needs to be
“extracted” to a folder on the local computer.
How to extract ZIP files usually depends on the computer’s operating
system. On Windows 10, there are two methods:
You can double-click on the ZIP file and a file explorer window shows all the files and there is an “Extract All” button at the top of the window in the menu ribbon.
You can right-click on the ZIP file and select “Extract All” from the popup menu.
For either of these, the Extract All command will bring up a box where you can choose where to put the extracted files.
From that folder, you can run the demonstration by double-clicking on "The_RALE_System_Demo.exe"