Weisser Bobbins: UI Type

UI Bobbins and potting boxes are available in both standard and low profile configurations. Standard profile bobbins range in sizes from UI 30 through UI 180 with potting boxes for UI 39 and UI 48 bobbins. Low profile bobbins are available in UI 21, UI 30 and UI 39 with applicable potting boxes. Several styles are offered including the snap-together versions for easy assembly.

WEISSER has an On-line Catalog where you can find details about these bobbins. 

For pricing details and/or samples please contact B. W. Darrah, Inc. at info@bwdarrah.com and give us the Art. Nr. from the WEISSER catalog.  If you need any help please call our office at 1-630-584-1900.


Weisser UI Type Bobbins

Pneumatic Cutting Tool
Pneumatic cutting tool
Ideal for cutting your heavy, rectangular copper or aluminum winding materials.


Rale Design Service

New Service:
magnetic components designed without the need to lease the software.