Rale Transformer Design System
Design Service
Rale Engineering, the developer of the Rale Transformer Design
Software, is now offering a Design Service where you can have magnetic
components designed without the need to lease the software. This offers
companies who need to develop an optimal magnetic component on a
one-time basis the ability to utilize the numerical calculated and
parametric testing of the Rale Software.
To use the service please complete the following procedure and Rale
will contact you for more information about your project.
- Send Rale your inquiry and technical specification in English in
PDF format either via email (
rale@rale.ch ) or via Fax +41 56 401 6108. Please include all
your contact information including email, fax and/or telephone
- Rale will contact you for any additional required details.
- Rale will then provide you with a detailed quotation for your
project for your consideration. The minimum design fee
will be US$1,100.00.
- Upon your acceptance of Rale’s proposal, contact B. W. Darrah,
email (info@bwdarrah.com)
Fax (1-630-584-2599)
phone (1-630-584-1900)
and we will provide you with our banking details so that your bank can make a direct transfer to our account to cover the cost of Rale’s design(s). - If you prefer, you can prepay by check made payable to B. W. Darrah,
Inc. and mail it to 115 South 4th Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174 USA.
- After your remittance is received, Rale will send the completed
design(s) to you.
Rale warrants that he will use his best effort implementing the Rale
Design System to produce the most optimal design(s) for your project.
Rale's experience in this field is unprecedented and Rale and Rale's
software have been instrumental in developing thousands of magnetic
components throughout the years.
However, each and every design must be tested by customer by building
a prototype to insure that the design provided meets with the needs of
the project. This warranty does not cover any problems or damage which
can result from design misinterpretations. The warranty and any
applicable implied warranties do not cover incidental or consequential
damages arising from any defects in the design.